Pokemon: The Infamous Convulsion Episode Translated by Masaki Nishimura and Timely Writer Cast: Pikachu-Small, yellow Pokemon. (Pocket Monster) Satoshi- Pikachu's human pal, a young adventurer Takeshi: Taller, quiet but intelligent boy. Kasumi: Their girl companion. Professor Akihabara: Genius inventor of the Pocket Monsters. Akihabara is the name of the train station immediately next to Suidoubashi station. As you recall, Professor Suidobashi was the brains behind Astro Boy. Joey-san: Akihabara's assistant. Wears a nurse uniform. Rocket Team (Villains) Musashi: Red haired girl with a boy's name in a miniskirt and thigh-high boots. Kojirou: Blue haird boy. Timely thought sure his name was "Gojira" Nyas: Kitty-looking monster sidekick. Probably the brains of Rocket Team Fushigi Dani: A turtle Pokemon with an onion on his back Guy: An unnamed computer consultant. Voice: After a long trip, Satoshi and his friends arrive at Maccha City. They are tired from their journey, especially Pikachu, who is always very active. Scene: The kids are enjoying a box lunch of rice balls. Pikachu appears in Yukata, enjoying a cup of tea. Satoshi: I know you're tired. I'll take you to Pokemon Center. Voice: Computer Soldier Polygon! Joey: Hello! Pokemon Center. Voice: Hey! I didn't get my Pokemon! Joey: I'm investigating now! Please hold! Takeshi: She's very busy. Kasumi: What's going on here? Prof: I invented this Transporter! It must work! Kasumi: But.. Prof: Nothing is wrong! Joey: But there have been many complaints! Satoshi: Joey-san! What's all the ruckus? Joey: I don't know, but I'd like to find out. When we transport a Pocket Monster, something strange happens. There are unusual errors. Prof: No WAY! Joey: What did you find, Professor Akihabara? Prof: Nothing! (Covering his mistake) Takeshi: You probably have a computer virus. Satoshi: Can a computer catch a cold? Kasumi: Sometimes. Takeshi: How about a vaccine? Prof: The Pokemon Transporter employs sophisticated, proprietary circuitry. There's no way it can be infected! Joey: But really· Prof: It can't be! Joey: Well then what caused the problem? (Aside) Akihabara is a great scientist. He invented the Pokemon system. I know he doesn't look it. Kasumi: He may have found something. He appears to be confused. Satoshi: He's irresponsible! Kasumi: Let's search for clues. Satoshi: We're here. This is Professor Akihabara's laboratory. Kasumi: Hello? We can't enter without the Professor's permission. Satoshi: I don't see you turning back. Kasumi: After all·.EEK! Prof: You are trespassing! Pikachu: PIK A CHU! Prof: That can't hurt me! Satoshi: What IS that? Takeshi: It's a hologram projector. It's a 3D image! Prof: You figured that out already? You look like clever kids. Walk this way! Please come in! Won't you do me a little favor? Satoshi: This gives me the creeps! Kasumi: It's dark! I can't see a thing! Satoshi: What are you up to? Kasumi: You locked us in here, didn't you? Prof: Now you are inside my giant Monster Transporter! Satoshi: Say what? Prof: This is a CG Pokemon. It's name is Polygon, by Genius Inventor Akihabara! Satoshi: CG Pokemon? Kasumi: Genius? Hah! You couldn't even solve the computer problem! Prof: I'm Genius Akihabara. I can solve any problem! Satoshi: Well, then what caused the errors? Prof: I'll tell you now. Some strange people stole the prototype of Polygon. They went into the computer via the transporter, and stole Pokemons as they were being transported. Satoshi: Just as I thought· All: Rocket Team did it! Prof: If I put a strong vaccine in the computer to fix it, they'll all be blown to bits! I can't do that! Satoshi: Isn't there another way? Prof: I can't say for sure·it may be very difficult. Someone has to go in there and get them out! Satoshi: Aha! I think I would like to go home now! Prof: Relax! No worries! You're going deep inside a computer for the betterment of science! Kasumi: Huh? Takeshi: I don't think it's possible to put people inside a computer. Kasumi: What if we can't come back? Prof: I promise that your names will be written in science history by me as the first people to enter the virtual world. Satoshi: Frankly, Professor, I don't give a damn! Prof: Yes! Bon voyage! All: Aieeeeeeeeeee! Kasumi: Stop it! Eek! Satoshi: Where are we? Takeshi: We're in the world inside the computer! Kasumi: This is no time to chat! Satoshi: Ouch! Kasumi: We're saved! Takeshi: That is the Computer Highway. This is where Pokemons transport! If we follow them, we will find the Rocket Team! Satoshi: Let's catch them quickly and get out of here! Let's go, Polygon! Polygon:Quack, Quack! Signs: Keep Out! Danger! Musa:To save the world! Kojirou: To keep the peace! Nyas: This is no time to chat! Let's get the Monster Balls! Both: Relax! We're the only ones here! Satoshi: Because of you, Pokemon Center is in a panic! Return the Pokemons now! Nyas: Son of a bitch! Not YOU again! Both: Let these monsters handle it! Mons: Dogars! Charbuck! Nyas: Mess with me and I'll kick your ass! All: Aieee! ::koff koff:: Poly: Wham! Satoshi: What was that? Prof: It's a defense technique called "texture." Polygon has the power to mimic the characteristics of other monsters. Nyas: We have Polygon on our side, too! Musa: Polygon! Sic' 'em! Satoshi: Polygon #1! Attack Polygon #0! Polys: Quack, quack! Satoshi: Win or lose, this will be a great fight! Prof: Hurry up, Knucklehead! Fix the highway while they're fighting, so we can transport Monster Balls! Satoshi: You bet! Musa: Hey! What are they up to? Kojirou: Those Monster Balls are OURS! Nyas: Stop them! Musa: Rocket team! Pika: ZAP! All: Bye-bye! Prof: Excuse me. Kasumi: What's up, Doc? Prof: Pokemon Center is accessing the Transporter Program! What are they trying to do? Joey: Please·. Guy: Yeah! Prof: What are they doing to my Transporter Program? Joey: I called a man from Central. He put a strong vaccine into the computer. Prof: Aieeee! Joey: Don't worry, Professor! It was a very powerful virus! Prof: Oh, Shit! Satoshi: OK, we only have that sign left to move! Prof: This is no time to chat! Kasumi: What's up? Prof: There's a strong vaccine coming to destroy you! Satoshi: Say WHAT? Takeshi: We can't get out! Kasumi: NO! (The Vaccine aims the needles) Takeshi: The vaccine! Kasumi: Let's get outta here! Satoshi: You bet! Polygon! Leave us leave! Musa: Of course you know, this means war! Get back here! Kojirou: Wait, you chickens! Satoshi: If you don't get out quickly, the vaccine will get you! Musa: Aieeee! Nyas: This is no time to chat! All: Let's boogie! Nyas: Get on, or I'll leave you here! Kojirou: Wait for ME! Hurry! Commence Convulsions Satoshi: Stop! Takeshi: At this rate, we'll never escape! Satoshi: Look out! Saved! Prof: Look! There's the Trasnport Point! Satoshi: Hurry, Polygon! Guy: That's a die hard virus! A really nasty one, too! The vaccine didn't work! Joey: It didn't? Guy: Nope, but this vaccine has a strong anti-virus command. Kasumi: Dazzling! Joey: What's going on? Guy: The shock caused a system error! It crashed like a Macintosh! Joey: What? Fix it immediately, and don't use that command again! If the Transport Program crashes, we're screwed! Musa: Where are we? Nyas: We fell into the Bug Hole. Kojirou: If we skedaddle, maybe the vaccine won't get us. Nyas: We can't escape without Polygon. Musa: Where is Polygon? Poly: Ugh All: Aieeeeeeee! Prof: There's the Transport Point! Satoshi: Rocket Team fell into the Bug Hole! Joey: Cover the Bug Hole! Guy: OK! Kojirou: It's the vaccine! Musa: I'm not a virus! I'm a human being! Help! Nyas: You're wasting your breath. The vaccine doesn't care if you're a human or a program. All: Aieeeeeeeeee! Musa: Stop! Commence Convulsions Again Guy: The Bug Hole disappeared! Joey: We did it! Satoshi: Are you guys OK? Musa: Huh? Kojirou: Are we saved? Musa: We can go home! Fushi: Fushigi Dane! (It's a critter with an onion looking thing on its back.) Kasumi: Polygon? What's wrong? Prof: You're way over weight! Kasumi: Central, we've got a problem! Shall we dump the Rocket Team? R Team: Oh! He's coming back! Satoshi: Hurry, Polygon! Pika: PI KA CHU! Last Chance for Convulsions! Satoshi: You did it! Lab: KaBOOM! Satoshi: I'm home! Prof: Welcome home. Kasumi: Thank you, Polygon! Takeshi: We're saved, thanks to you! Kojirou: You'll pay for this! Musa: You have not felt the real power of Rocket Team! Nyas: But for today· All: Thank you! Prof: Aieeeeeeeeee! My invention! Blown to bits! It would have been a boon to mankind! Satoshi: Make the next model safer, OK? Fushi: Fushigi Dani! Pika: Pikachu! Joey: Everything's OK. The Transport Program is back to normal! Satoshi: Nobody knows that we risked our lives. Takeshi: No problem! Kasumi: Now that the Transporter is fixed, everyone can get Pokemons again! Satoshi: Pikachu looks tired! Joey-san, please take care of my Pikachu! Joey: We'll look after him! Voice: This case is closed, and they lived happily ever after. But the story of Satoshi and friends will continue! Seiyuu credits (entire series, characters may not appear in this ep): Satoshi: Matsumoto Rica Pikachuu: Ohtani Ikue Kasumi: Iizuka Mayumi Professor Orchid: Ishizuka Unshou Shigeru: Kobayashi Yuko Hanako: Toyoshima Masami announcer: Ueda Yuuji pokemon zukan: Miki Shinichirou Kojiro: Miki Shinichirou Musashi: Hayashibara Megumi Nyaasu: Inuyama Inuko Junsa: Nishimura Chinami Joy: Shiraishi Ayako Takeshi: Ueda Yuuji Pigeon: Hayashibara Megumi Pippi: Iizuka Mayumi Tosakinto: Ohtani Ikue Hitodeman: Miki Shinichirou Taichi: Touma Yumi Atsushi: Okano Kousuke Mizuki: Itou Kentarou Raizou: Konishi Katsuyuki Zenigame: Aikawa Rikako Tattsu: Toyoshima Machiko